速報APP / 遊戲 / Baby Lisi Doctor Care 2

Baby Lisi Doctor Care 2





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本




Baby Lisi Doctor Care 2(圖1)-速報App

Take this opportunity to become a multi-tasking doctor in this joy kids game. Kids always count on you so offer the highest quality medical care possible to all children and prove that they can have faith in you.

With this educational game you can be a doctor and help kids in a children's hospital. You can give them joy put a smile again on their face and make them healthy again :) Kids are waiting for you!

Baby Lisi Doctor Care 2(圖2)-速報App

Learn surgery, use a head CT or MRI scan, diagnose bacteria, learn shapes of the organs in the stomach. Use your kids medical skills and spread a bit of happiness to your sick little patients.

All children are welcome to your clinic specially ones that are injured or suffering from various diseases, and they need your help to get better. Once you appoint the little patients to the right doctor’s office, you can have fun playing interactive mini games and treat kids in no time.

Baby Lisi Doctor Care 2(圖3)-速報App

Different kinds of doctors and treatments with various injuries, with many colorful objects to match patients’ characteristics. Every doctor’s office includes a unique mini game to make treatment even more fun.

Within this game, you can do the following:

Baby Lisi Doctor Care 2(圖4)-速報App

Heal digestive problems

Dentist will brush and fix their patient teeth.

Baby Lisi Doctor Care 2(圖5)-速報App

Diagnose and vaccinate patients to heal them from strange diseases.

Make an eye examination test to improve kids’ eyesight.

Baby Lisi Doctor Care 2(圖6)-速報App

Use a microscope to make some lab tests and eliminate viruses.

Use the X-ray machine to locate fractures and heal broken bones.

Baby Lisi Doctor Care 2(圖7)-速報App

Baby Lisi Doctor Care 2(圖8)-速報App